Hosted Email

E-mail Is Mission Critical.


  • 25 GB Mailbox Size
  • Activesync for iPhone, Android and WindowsPhone included
  • 24 x 7 x 365 support
  • Guaranteed 99.9% uptime
  • Postini SPAM and Virus protection included
  • Free Outlook 2010 for Windows user
  • Free Outlook 2011 for Mac users
  • BlackBerry Enterprise Service optional
  • Fully-managed, no IT expertise needed
  • Web based account management


  • no up-front capital investment in hardware or software
  • free up IT resources to focus on value-producing initiatives
  • mitigate messaging risks before they reach the corporate network

With Edu-Net never again worry about:

  • email going down
  • losing emails
  • backing up your email
  • filtering SPAM
  • blocking email borne viruses
  • monitoring emails
  • managing an Exchange Server
  • monthly patching of an Exchange Server
  • getting email to work on SmartPhones

Webmail (Outlook Web Access)

Outlook Web Access (OWA) has 95% of the features that you have come to expect from the full Outlook software. Key features include:

  • Password reset
  • Rules
  • Spell check
  • Out of office assistant
  • Ability to open and view the calendar of someone else in your organization
  • Advanced AJAX interface

Did you know that OWA in the 5.5 version of Exchange server (circa 1999) was the first web application built with AJAX technology? Today with Exchange 2007 OWA is one of the most advanced AJAX web applications built. The user interface has been redesigned with a focus on productivity. Webmail in Exchange 2010 no longer has pop-up notifications to avoid those irritating pop-up blockers. The new version includes enhanced drag and drop functionality, improved and expanded the right-click context menus, and a cleaner user interface that reduces the number of clicks to get tasks done.

WebReady Document Viewing

With Webmail remote users can now view attachments without having to save them to disk or open them via a locally installed application. WebReady Document Viewing allows remote users to view certain attachments as a web page. Exchange 2010 does this conversion, so the remote user doesn’t need anything more than a web browser. Currently supported attachment types are:

  • Word (.doc)
  • Excel (.xls)
  • PowerPoint (.ppt)
  • PDF (.pdf)

Now organizations don’t need to worry about their internal documents being left in caches on public computers, like airport kiosks. Remote users don’t need to download the attachment and then launch an application to view the document. Now they just click on the “View as Web Page” link and the WebReady Viewing version will open.

Remote Document Access

hosted exchange 2007 outlook web access remote document access

No longer is VPN access required to access UNC (Universal Naming Convention) File Shares. Normally, if one of your co-workers sends you a email with a link to shared document on a file server, say to \\server\share\document.doc you’d have to use a VPN to access the file on the fileserver. Exchange 2010 Webmail allows you to remotely access files from an internal file server without using a VPN.

Now a remote user can securely access file shares securely off an internal file server using webmail. Many organizations are now getting rid of their cumbersome VPNs as this addresses their need to have remote users securely access files.

Entourage Included Free with Hosted Exchange

  • Each InboxSolutions mailbox receives a free copy of Microsoft Entourage 2004 or 2008 for users with a Mac.

Use your choice of Email Clients

Although we give you copies of Outlook for free with your hosted mailbox, Edu-Net supports all Email Client software that support POP3 and IMAP, including:

  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Apple Mac Mail
  • Postbox
  • Eudora
  • Microsoft Outlook Express
  • Evolution (Linux)
  • Microsoft Windows Mail (Vista)
  • etc.

SSL and TLS Encryption Support

We provide secure access with SSL encryption for POP3 and IMAP to ensure the confidentiality of your email. This encrypts your data so others cannot view your emails.